Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Life before MBA - Chandni

Before the MBA, I worked at an ITeS company in Mumbai, India. As Head, Knowledge Initiative, I spent a year setting up a new e-business division called the Center for Research Writing Resources. I enjoyed doing all the abstract obscure stuff that was floating around.

Left:The office reception area

Life was good back then when I didn’t need to count pennies and pounds. I would have coffee at The Marriott on Sundays without a worry in the world. Life before MBA had a lot of family in it—Day trips to my sister’s house all the way to town, spending time with my nephew, Harsh…watching TV with my other two sisters, shopping, movies (the 5 multiplexes near my home…I miss u), plays, dinner at Vie lounge (that was a superb farewell!) Sunday mornings at the beach…what a life!

Right: Supastaz-My sisters-Turiya and Karishma

Since coming to UK and being (in a sense) jobless, this new life seems surly different. There are days when the country charm of Lancaster makes me feel like I am living out of this painting or an episode from Travel and Living (Discovery). Then there are days when the wind blows so cold … that’s when I think…what the hell am I doing here!! And finally, there are some days when I actually miss working. How crazy is that?!

Why MBA? It’s funny how I tend to think of it more now than ever! Still searching for that ever elusive perfect answer…

It’s been fun being s student so far…meeting people from different countries and getting back to books. Making few good friends and spending a crazy amount on quality education and toward a brighter future. So let’s hope the sun keeps shining :)


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